Pike County Courier
MILFORD, PA — Jonathan Langberg is looking for donations of musical instruments for a band program at Good Shepherd Academy, a school located in Bafut, Cameroon.
Volunteers will collect the donations at the Pike County Public Library, 119 East Harford St., in Milford from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 25, to collect the donations.
Jonathan is a Life Scout of Shohola Boy Scout Troop #76 and has made this his Eagle Service Project. He’s also a junior at Delaware Valley High School and a dedicated member of the Delaware Valley High School concert and marching bands. He encourages everyone to take a look in their closets for a forgotten instrument that may change a young person’s life forever.
He is collecting used band instruments, accessories, and sheet music that he will repair, package, and ship to the non-profit school in Cameroon, a country in Central Africa on the eastern border of Nigeria. The goal is for a band program to start at the school in the 2017-18 academic year.
Jonathan is collecting brass, woodwinds, and percussion instruments, such as trumpets, clarinets, flutes, drums, and trombones. Skills learned on one instrument may be transferred to another of the same class, so every instrument helps, says Jonathan.
Orchestral instruments, like violins and other string instruments, are not being accepted at this time, he said.
Monetary donations to help with repair and shipping costs may be made at good-shepherd-academy-band. For more information find the project on Facebook.
The Good Shepherd Sustainable Learning Foundation, based in Milford, has completed Phase One of a four-phase construction project. GSA is in its first year and serves 20 students, and is projected to grow to 75 by the next academic year. At completion the academy will house 350 students.
Due to budgetary constraints, the academy is currently lacking a steady music program. The school leaders would like to form a band education program, making it one of only a few high school bands in the Northwest province of Cameroon.