New Accomplishments, New Leadership, New Recognition
Special New Accomplishments
It’s a red letter day at Good Shepherd Academy as our first group of students travel to Bamenda on May 28th to take the General Certificate of Examination (GCE) for admittance to GSA high school (US grades 11 and 12). Cameroon follows the English educational system in which students must pass an exam to be admitted to high school. Please pray for our students who are taking this big step.
We are excited to share the remarkable success story of Ngwasoh Akongnwi Neba. Following graduation from Primary School, he was unable to read or write. Nonetheless, Principal Churchill Che wanted to give him a chance.
Our committed GSA faculty were determined to help this student turn his life around. With their assistance and his concerted efforts, by the end of his second academic year at GSA he has progressed to the 6th position in his class, scoring more than double what he had upon entering. You have made possible a bright future for Ngwasoh and we are truly grateful.
Special New Leadership
We are honored to announce that United States Ambassador to Nigeria, John Campbell, (ret.) has joined the Good Shepherd SLF Board of Directors.
In addition, from 2009 to 2021 he served as the Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies on the US Council on Foreign Relations; is the author of four books including Nigeria and the Nation State: Rethinking Diplomacy in the Post-Colonial World; and consulted with the US Dept. of State, US Dept. of Defense, and agencies within the US Intelligence Community. Ambassador Campbell’s wealth of knowledge, expertise, and contacts throughout Africa and the US are an invaluable aid to our mission.
Welcome to the Good Shepherd Family Ambassador Campbell! Learn more about John Campbell.

From left to right: Mr. David C. Farrand, Rev. Canon Elizabeth Rankin, Prof. Sylvester Ndeso Atanga, PhD, Dr. Nche Zama, and Joseph Fonlon.
The Good Shepherd SLF Board of Directors met in West Palm Beach, FL the first weekend in May. Prof. Sylvester Ndeso Atanga, PhD, Chair of GSAA Cameroon was our special guest. How wonderful it was to meet together to discuss our dreams and plans for the future of Good Shepherd Academy. We are delighted to share that Dr. Nche Zama was elected to serve as Co-Chair of the Board, joining the Rev. Canon Elizabeth Rankin, with Joseph Fonlon serving as Vice-Chair.
Following a two-week trip to Cameroon last month where he met with numerous Cameroonian officials, as well as members of the GSAA Cameroon Board, Dr. Zama has literally hit the ground running. With his wisdom, enthusiasm, and eight years of service on the Board, we are indeed blessed.
Special New Recognition
Good Shepherd SLF has earned a 2023 Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar, a database of 1.8 million IRS tax-exempt organizations and thousands of faith-based nonprofits.
GuideStar contains authoritative data from validated sources, including 990s and direct reporting—verified and updated daily. It is considered to be the best-in-sector proprietary data processing enabling comprehensive analysis of US nonprofits. Good Shepherd Sustainable Learning Foundation is honored to have earned the highest status as a Platinum member.
What’s Really Special About Today?
You are! Without your support Ngwasoh would still not be able to read or write and our students would not have made it to the high school level. Without you, not one of these “specials” would have been possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.