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Across Sea and History

Our partner so close to our hearts across the ocean, Good Shepherd Academy Association chaired by Sr. Jane Mankaa, along with the Board of Directors of Good Shepherd SLF, is busy interviewing final candidates for the positions of Principal and Vice-Principal of Good Shepherd Academy. We invite your prayers as we undertake this significant process of discernment for just the right leaders to realize our vision of transformational education.


Rankin HouseAcross History

Our deep appreciation goes to Dr. Bradley T. Rankin of Paducah, Kentucky who has established The Reverend John Rankin Fund to pay the salary of Good Shepherd Academy Guard House security guards who will protect our students. The Rev. John Rankin, his great-great-great-great uncle, was a Presbyterian minister and abolitionist.

Upon moving to Ripley, Ohio in 1822, he became known as one of Ohio’s first and most active conductors of the Underground Railroad. He directly achieved pre-Civil War freedom for over 3,000 slaves — at significant risk to himself, his family, and followers—with no injury or harm to a single one of them.

When prominent abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher was asked after the end of the Civil War, “Who abolished slavery?” he answered, “Reverend John Rankin and his sons did.”

Thank you, Bradley T., Elizabeth’s brother (!), for continuing the legacy begun by your ancestor almost 200 years ago.

Make It Happen

Now we invite you to Make It Happen, to keep the legacy going of protecting our most vulnerable today from the evils of human trafficking and slavery, which is just as alive in our world as it was in Rev. John Rankin’s.¹


¹Human trafficking is a $32 billion industry worldwide. The United Nations estimates that between 800,000 and 4 million women, men, and children are deceived, recruited, transported from their homes and sold into slavery around the world each year.
