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Great News from Good Shepherd Academy!

young girl excited to learn on her computerExpressions of Joy & Gratitude

Recently, our students were overjoyed beyond measure to receive 20 brand new state-of-the-art computers from the Good Shepherd Sustainable Learning Foundation in the United States of America.

This enormous gift was delivered in person by Cameroon Board Chair of the Good Shepherd Academy Association, Professor Sylvester Ndeso, and by Good Shepherd SLF Vice-Chair Joseph Fonlon, Esq.

In a statement to the Academy Board Members, our school principal, Dr. Churchill Che, expressed tremendous gratitude to our American partners for their continued support and assistance, and reiterated the immeasurable value that new computers will provide in addressing critical pre-existing deficiencies in student education.

student with principalMost memorable were the words of Tita Sibel, a student representative.

In a moving speech, she expressed profound gratitude to our American philanthropists and members on both boards for providing countless educational opportunities and resources to support and promote a quality and superior educational experience at the Academy.

Concluding on behalf of her peers, she pledged hard work, discipline, and outstanding academic achievement as the ultimate individual and collective gratitude to parents, school administrators, donors, and members of the Board of Directors on both sides of the Atlantic.

We are especially grateful to our donors who made this long-held dream a reality.
