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Home > Ways to Give > Name a Room

Name a Room

Imagining Tomorrow is the Good Shepherd Academy project website for Good Shepherd Sustainable Learning Foundation, a 501C3 charitable organization. Your gift is fully tax deductible. Financial information available below.

Name a Room

Your gift of $5,000 or more will name a room at Good Shepherd Academy.

Every day, the students will see a plaque in their dorm room letting them know of your gracious generosity. Every day your gift can and will make a difference.

Contact us for further information

Mail a check to the address below payable to Good Shepherd SLF:

Good Shepherd SLF
“Imagining Tomorrow”
PO Box 803
Palm Beach, FL 33480

Dr. Zama

I am a strong believer in a future of renewed hope for everyone, particularly for children in Cameroon. Their wishes and longings are deeply connected to their desire to receive a quality secondary/high school education.
Good Shepherd Academy will give them that and more. With a focus on creativity and leadership built on a foundation of Christian faith, the Academy will usher in a long overdue turning point in Cameroonian secondary education. I was born in Cameroon. I know.


Dr. Nche Zama
Board of Directors of Good Shepherd SLF; Medical Director, Cardiothoracic Surgery, PMC; Global Medical Humanitarian