Board of Governors

Ndomenga Dickson, BSc
Board of Governors
Good Shepherd Academy Manager and Accountant
GSA Accounting Faculty
GSAA Representative to Good Shepherd SLF, USA
Ndomenga Dickson was born in M’mouck village in the South West Region of Cameroon in 1993 to Fieze Rigina and Chiamoh Mathias who died when he was 3 and 7 years old respectively. He lived with his grandmother until age ten when he came to Good Shepherd Home for Children under the loving umbrella of Sister Jane Mankaa. (May her Soul Rest In Peace).
His high school education was competed at Progressive Comprehensive College Mankon (2012-2014). Undergraduate studies were undertaken at National Polytechnic University Institute Bamenda (2014–2018) where he obtained his Higher National diploma (HND) and Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in Accounting.
In 2016, Mr. Ndomenga obtained certification as a Financial Controller with Asah Alpha Consulting, an accounting firm in Doula, Cameroon. He furthered his studies at the University of Bamenda to obtain a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Accounting (2019-2021).
Good Shepherd Academy is blessed to have Ndomenga Dickson serve as GSA Manager, Accountant, and Faculty in Accounting.