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Six Years and Going Strong!

41 GSA students in front of Academy sign

The 41 students of Good Shepherd Academy with Principal Churchill Che on GSA’s 6th Anniversary Celebration, November 5, 2022.

GSA students with Principal Churchill Che at the Academy’s 6th Anniversary Celebration

“This is a great day for Good Shepherd Academy, the day this school was born here in Bafut six years ago,” began Azinwi Belvia’s speech at the GSA Anniversary Celebration on November 5th. The Senior Prefect continued, “We, the Good Shepherd Academy family, appreciate your presence and welcome you to this celebration. We hope you will visit our construction on campus. Three fish ponds have been built and our poultry farm is up and running. Soon we will no longer have to buy fish or chicken.”


Family, friends, and sponsors eagerly joined students and faculty as they gathered on the campus complex. Proudly displayed artwork, student workbooks, the new reference library, and an informative campus tour awaited them.

Students worked diligently on inspiring club presentations for their guests. The Science Club, Environmental Club, Music Club, Drama Club, and Sports Club all shared what they had learned, demonstrating new skills gained and long-dormant gifts awakened for the very first time. To God be the Glory!

During the festivities, the Good Shepherd Academy Anthem was enthusiastically sung by all 41 students, led by their capable student choir director. The lyrics, written by Principal Churchill Che, say it all. (Read lyrics below.) As their voices soared, so did their hopes and dreams for a brighter future as they imagined the new tomorrow that lay ahead for them.

That new tomorrow is being realized through your generous donations to the Sister Jane Mankaa Memorial Fund. Please visit our new Gift Catalogue for items we are highlighting this giving season that will go into this special fund. Each donor by category will be listed in a January 2023 private email with a huge thank you for all you do for our deserving students.

Last, and never least, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to you during this season of thankfulness and celebration. Without you, none of this would be possible and we are filled with gratitude.

“Emerging from the Farmlands”

Emerging from farmlands 2016
City in the hills of Agyati Bafut
Founded on the wings of faith graced by God
Here’s Good Shepherd Academy, Agyati Bafut.

Good Shepherd enhancing our intellectual growth
Good Shepherd enhancing our spiritual growth
Good Shepherd enhancing our physical growth
Hope and strength in God, leaders of tomorrow.

The citadel of knowledge here in Cameroon
The great fountain where knowledge flows
Spreading worldwide and transforming lives
We pray God Almighty to bless our noble course.

– Lyrics by Principal Churchill Che, 2016
