Leadership Council

Ms. Molly Dale Smith
Episcopal Priest, Professional Transitional Specialist
Nashville, Tennessee
2015-2018, 2019-2022
Molly Dale Smith has served as an Episcopal priest since 1993 and is a lifelong community volunteer. Her special areas of interest are change and transition. Currently, Priest Associate at St. David’s Church in Nashville, TN, Molly is a trained Intentional Interim Pastor and Consultant. She works with both groups and individuals to address the possibilities and problems that emerge during times of change. A member of the IMN (Interim Ministry Network) faculty, Molly teaches Interim Ministry to clergy from various denominations. Molly edited Transitional Ministry: A Time of Opportunity (Church Publishing Inc., 2009). She was the lead designer for the recently revised curriculum for IMN training programs. As an advocate of the needs of women and children, Molly has visited and supported mission projects in India, Rwanda and Brazil.
Molly has served on the Board and as president of Interim Ministry Network, Interim Ministies in the Episcopal Church, National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations and the Dale Foundation. She holds a BA from Hollins University, MTS from Emory University, MDiv from Seabury Western School of Theology and DMin from St Paul School of Theology.